Offshore Sailing School Believes Sailing Is Wellness

Take Time Off to Learn to Sail or Sail Better

Did you know that employees who take most or all of their vacation time each year perform better, are more productive and more satisfied in their jobs than those who do not? This statement comes from a study conducted by the Society for Human Resources Management (SHRM) for Project: Time Off, but only 53% of employees fully utilize all of their accrued paid vacation days each year.

Is This You? Wouldn’t You Rather Be Sailing?Fun Facts about sailing

Every time Steve and I get on a sailboat and get away from the daily grind, we come home incredibly refreshed and “feeling well.” When we had our own 54′ ocean racer, and competed world-wide, we left work behind to concentrate on an activity that truly did enhance our lives and productivity when back on the job. And that’s also true of our employees who get away to sail because it makes them FEEL GOOD.

Offshore Sailing School Graduates Find Wellness In Sailing3-BVI-Offhshore-Flotilla-Sir-Frances-Drake-Channel

More important, are the notes we get from graduates who used their vacation time to learn a new skill, to learn to sail or improve sailing skills with Offshore Sailing School. Here’s what some of them have to say:

“My overall experience was more than I could’ve ever expected. I feel liberated!” – Colette Klisivitch – Weehawken, NJ

The course was amazing in providing a unique learning experience for myself and my wife, to share a new hobby. We plan on buying a boat in a year or so.” – Theodore Maturo, New Haven, CT

The week was absolutely perfect. I spent the days learning to sail and big cruising boat from the gound up with a superb instructor and a classmate who has become a good friend.” – Andrew Vogel – Fishkill, NY 

“This started as a gift for my husband who wanted to learn to sail. But fter joining the class I was just as excited and addicted as him.” – Wendy Warnock – Chester, NY

The greatest compliment I can give your program is this:  upon returning home, a friend of mine who has been racing catamarans for 20 years, called me and wanted to hear about my trip.  After listening to my story for about an hour he said, “I cannot believe what you learned in a week.  Most people who sail for their entire lives do not know some of the things you learned.  I would love to sail with you to see if I can pick up anything from you!”  – Jamie Wiley –

We had an amazing experience! Came away with way more knowledge and excitement to learn. We rented the 4600 right after our courses which will allow us to put all this great info to work. – Heather and Mike Nichols – Selana Beach, CA

Outstanding instruction, quality sailboat, and great winds in BVI. We learned a great deal and had loads of fun! – Dan Riordan – McLean, VA

Life was getting a little drab, this was the perfect way to put some color and sparkle back in.  Being in some of the most spectacular scenery on earth, while learning a skill was rewarding on many levels.  The instruction was top notch, on the last few days of the course we were able to reef, tack, jibe, chart our course and deal with the boat systems.  Being without an instructor on the last day is the perfect way to end the course, at that point I was able to see what I had learnt. – Paul Sheldon – Whitecourt, Canada

Thank you for a great learning experience! Your very knowledgeable instructors, good balance between classroom, on water time and small class size provides a unique experience which leaves students with skills and knowledge that will last a lifetime.  Truly an amazing week!

Thank you Steve and Doris Colgate for your incredible sailing school!  Congratulations on the 50 year anniversary of Offshore and wishing you 50 more years of continued success!!  Thanks for letting me be part of it!!! – Judith Azzarello – Willow Springs, IL


Use It or Lose It

2015RW_closeup_fromasternYou’ve heard this before, but now more than ever is the importance of adding “wellness” to your life pursuits. Take that vacation time, get out on the water and you will feel better. In fact you will come back to the office telling everyone you met how “amazing” it was to spend time away, sailing.

Return to Work Renewed and RefreshedZahalka_Charles_700x465

77% of HR managers, according to the study, said that employees who take most or all of their vacation time are more productive in their jobs than those who do not. “Further, HR managers believe that using vacation time leads to higher performance (75%) and increased job satisfaction (78%).” Those words – “renewed” and “refreshed” – are also used time and again by Offshore Sailing School graduates.

Sailing is All About Wellness_0006_HomepageHeader_1

Our own recent study proved that people who learn to sail with Offshore Sailing School prefer a learning vacation of 4 or more days, preferably a week. But if you don’t have that sort of time, the three-day Learn to Sail or Performance Sailing Course will surely stimulate your senses and support your “wellness” plan. Each day you’ll add up steps, get aerobic and balance work-outs, and stretch body and brain. You are out in fresh sea air, surrounded by peaceful birds and sea life on a boat that is wind-powered, with very little carbon foot print. You will go to bed early, and wake up to glorious sunrises. You will surely feel “alive!”

Live Life Like the Colgates(18)_6.2_MoreAboutSteveColgate_700x465

Steve, at 80, was just inducted into the National Sailing Hall of Fame. He goes sailing as often as he can and comes to work every day he’s not on the water. I, at 74, have “lived” sailing since I learned at Steve’s school in 1967. It keeps me young!

Already a Sailor?

Then you know what we mean. And we’re counting on YOU to preach the wellness and sailing doctrine. Our very good friend, Stuart Walker, who Steve raced with on 5.5 Metres in the 1978 Olympics, turned 94 this year . . . and he is still racing Solings in world-wide competitions.

Not Yet a Sailor?(2)_6.0_TheOffshoreAdvantage_700x465

Come join our “wellness through sailing” movement. Don’t lose any vacation days, put them to perfect use with a stimulating activity that gets you out on the water. Next week I’ll talk about how important it is for kids to learn sailing with their parents, not just on their own. So stay tuned, and sail! And for all you women out there . . . listen to this:


Doris Colgate – CEO and President, Offshore Sailing School